Yesterday I felt quite rubbish. There’s often lurgies flying around this time of year and the media is awash with what can be done to avoid catching the dreaded Covid-19/Corona virus. With all that in mind and my general meh health and mood, I decided It would be okay to take a day off. Not just from work, but to unplug and disconnect from everything. Initially there was some guilt swimming around my head. Would I be letting people down? What about everyone that counts on me? Then, I remembered a couple of quotes that seemed to soothe the shame and guilt: “It’s not selfish to give to yourself as much as you give of yourself” and “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” If I’m to promote and encourage self-care, then I need to practice what I preach; model my mindfulness; be kind to me too. It’s okay not to be okay. King Solomon apparently said, “How can I be the keeper of vineyard’s and neglect my own?”
I encourage clients, the children I work with and the people around me to be the most important person in their own life, mostly because you can’t authentically give to others that which you don’t give to yourself.
My experience of then listening to my body and taking time out was liberating. Was it possible that this simple moment of self-care could leave me to feel replenished, relaxed and reinvigorated? Absolutely!
As I plugged myself back in this morning, prepared to see yet more news about diseases and infections, I was pleasantly surprised to see this poem pop-up from the ever wonderful Facebook group Mindfulness Ireland. As I read it a smile beamed across my face like Garfield facing off a giant Lasagna. A simple smile can be spread, shared and strengthen connection. Of course, not smiling is also okay. I guess, in conclusion, the lesson I learned was to be honest and genuine with myself. Sometimes I might feel a bit rubbish, and that’s okay.